Roots and Resilience

I recently moved into a new apartment that will be my temporary home for this year. As I connect with this new place and myself within it ~ from the changing rhythms in my daily routine, to new neighbors (human and non-human alike), to new light, sounds and places of stillness ~ I am learning yet again what it means for me to "root into" HOME......inside and out. 

For today I am reflecting on my homes, past and present. I notice that for all the adventures (challenges, joys, grief, curiosities, loves, commitments) of my life in each outer home, I grow in the depth of my inner rootedness to what I understand Home to be. 

A small, yet potent aspect of this understanding: when I feel my rootedness and belonging in my body and on this earth, my resiliency within life seems to expand with strength and possibility. 

The following short film inspires me to explore the play of rootedness and resiliency....

thumbnail image/drawing: j.ascosi, 2015.